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Angry Baker Staff

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie Bars

Angry Baker Staff 0
I didn’t grow up on Peanut Butter and Jelly, but my people love the stuff. For them, I bake Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie Bars. These bars are LOADED with Peanut Butter, and you can fill them with any flavor jelly or jam you like. You can even do what I did… go half and half […]

Applesauce Snack Cake Recipe

Angry Baker Staff 0
  This Applesauce Snack Cake Recipe is one of those throw-it-together-in-no-time snack cakes…. it’s easier than a mix. Just add the wet stuff to the dry stuff and bake. One bowl, one measuring cup, one baking pan…. that’s it. This cake takes very little time, and not a load of talent or skill to make […]

Cute Halloween Baking Ideas that are Fun and EASY!

Angry Baker Staff 0
I love baking for Halloween. It’s a great chance to be creative and fun, without stomping on anyone’s pre-conceived ideas of what HAS TO BE BAKED (seriously, I know a few people who go absolutely batty if they don’t have their Gingerbread at Christmas, or Chocolate Cake at a Birthday). Here are some really CUTE […]

Coffee Toffee Bar Recipe

Angry Baker Staff 3
This Coffee Toffee Bar Recipe is great for working out frustrations. You see, I love smashing things with a hammer. (In fact, a sledge hammer may be my favorite tool of all time.) It’s so satisfying. What once was big, is now pulverized…. Wheeeee Before you call in the padded truck …. keep in mind […]

Millionaire Shortbread Bar Recipe… with Sea Salt

Angry Baker Staff 3
Millionaire Shortbread bar Recipe... sounds delicious, but with Sea Salt? Salt? on Caramel and Dark Chocolate? Sounds like something you’d see on one of those food shows where they are trying to pass off something icky as actual food (you can cook Brussels Sprouts any way you want to, they will still be Brussels Sprouts). But, I […]

Best Coconut Lime Muffins

Angry Baker Staff 1
The Best Coconut Lime Muffins aren’t a traditional muffin since they are made with a mixer, and not the traditional Wooden Spoon. But they look like muffins, so for ease of typing, that’s what I’m going to call them. These Tart Coconut Muffins are a mini tropical holiday on a dreary school morning. There are a […]

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Cookies

Angry Baker Staff 0
These are the Peanut Butter Cups of Cookies…. which means they are the first ones to vanish from the cookie jar (much like Peanut Butter Cups are the first Candy to vanish from the Halloween Candy Bag… so… as the holidays approach, people will be looking for these!) A soft chewy chocolate cookie surrounds a peanut butter […]

Halloween Baking Pans for Perfect Halloween Cakes and Treats

Angry Baker Staff 0
Lekue Pumpkin 3D Mold, Orange I love Baking for Halloween. It’s a great chance to be creative and fun, without stomping on anyone’s pre-conceived ideas of what HAS TO BE BAKED. And Halloween Baking Pans make getting those perfect shapes SOOOO much easier! There are so many specialty pans to let you get your creative […]

Spicy Pumpkin Seed Brittle Recipe- Sweet, Salty, Spicy Pepita Brittle!

Angry Baker Staff 0
  I’ll admit, when I saw this recipe, I was a bit skeptical. Spicy candy? hmmm…but…I do like candy… and I do like spicy foods…. and I just bought a giant sack of Pumpkin Seeds /Pepitas (they are so good on salads), so I thought I’d give the Spicy Pumpkin Seed Brittle Recipe a try. […]

Pumpkin Tea Cake Recipe

Angry Baker Staff 0
This Pumpkin Tea Cake Recipe is a family favorite. The cake bakes up moist and it keeps well… wrap it tight and keep a loaf in the refrigerator for drop in guests.It also works very well as a hostess gift…. This basic Pumpkin Tea Cake Recipe is a snap to put together, and it tastes […]

Caramel Apple Cupcakes Caramel Frosting

Angry Baker Staff 0
Our Apple Tree was LOADED with apples this year…and I needed a place to put them all (before the boys decided to play another game of Broom and Apple Baseball…. ARGH! What a MESS). Caramel Apple Cupcakes Caramel Frosting and all are a great Fall Dessert. The applesauce cupcake is loaded with chunks of  apple, which […]

Candy Bar Brownie Recipe- Use Up Those Halloween Candy Bars!

Angry Baker Staff 0
Bet you are wondering how I came up with this Candy Bar Brownie Recipe…… So, I’m in the Grocery Store, like I am just about every day (sometimes twice… I really have to make better lists), and the Halloween Candy displays are all up. CANDY CANDY CANDY. I know, if I buy Halloween Candy today, by next week, it […]
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