Easiest Way to Frost Cupcakes? Ateco Pastry Bag with Extra Wide Tips
Ateco Pastry Decorating Tip, Set of 3
The Ateco Decorating Tip Set is my go-to set when I’m decorating cupcakes. It is the quickest and the easiest way to decorate cupcakes and make your homemade cupcakes look professional.
Now, I’m not a decorator… but even I can use these with great success.
Whether you use the round tip for a smooth finish, or you use the star tip for a fancier finish, the set is easy and quick to use. (I find it quicker than using a knife).
They are also easy to clean!
You’ll have those cupcakes decorated, and people admiring them before you know it.
I reach for my Ateca Pastry Bag and Wide Tips For So Many Uses!
~Frosting Cupcakes
~Filling Whoopie Pies
~Filling Cupcakes
~Filling Dessert Shooters
~Piping Meringues
Easiest Way to Frost Cupcakes!
Ateco Decorating Bag Comes with 2 Large Tips
This is not a set with loads of fancy tips… there are only 2 large tips, but these are the tips I use the most in my kitchen.
Round tip– Pipes a smooth surface on cupcakes. Also great for filling whoopie pies, filling cupcakes or filling mousse cups.
Star Tip- Pipes a ridged, star like surface. Looks a bit fancier, which makes it great for frosting cupcakes or piping meringues.
Buy the Ateco Pastry Decorating Set HERE
Ateco Pastry Decorating Tip, Set of 3
How to Fill a Pastry Bag
Put the tip in first! Then fold the top down over your hand (this protects your hand, and keep the edges of the bag clean). Fill with frosting or filling.
Don’t OVERFILL!!! It’s better to refill than make a huge mess….
Bring the top back up, then twist the loose material until the filling is tight in the bag.
Squeeze from the top… guide from the bottom.
How to Clean the Ateco Pastry Bag
Squeeze out as much of the contents as possible.
Turn the bag inside out and wash in hot water with regular dish washing soap.
Let air dry (I hang mine up on the clothesline)
Want to learn MORE Great Decorating Techniques? Click Here!
I have never owned a pastry bag, but it certainly looks convenient. It would probably be fun to own, and would certainly make icing cupcakes a lot easier than the way I do it now. Thanks for the tip!
I am going to show this to my daughter. She has a pastry bag and decorating set she inherited, but as I’m not skilled in the art she’s having to learn on her own…
Thank you!
Great tips, the cleaning bit is always my worst part, lol.