Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe
Some days are no fun, and other days are just bad. The kind of bad that can only be fixed with this Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe. You know what I mean. You’ve done everything right, and yet everything goes wrong.
It’s best to just sit down in a quiet place and eat a piece of cake (ok, who are we kidding, when we’ve had THAT kind of day, we’re taking the whole darn cake to our quiet place…. and MAYBE we’ll bother with a fork).
Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake is the recipe that you find behind the little glass panel that says “break in case of emergency”. (Turns out… if you keep the cake behind the glass it gets moldy and covered in broken glass… Better to start fresh).
This is the cake you bake on those days….You know the days I’m talking about…
-you have 3 kids who need to be in 5 places, all at the same time… and it’s raining.
-Surprise!!! It’s your turn to host the Girl Scout Sleepover!!!
-Oh fun… there is a lice epidemic at school.
-the dog hacked up something that you think you might be able to identify as your favorite scarf.
-it’s Tuesday (because, really, for some reason Tuesday is hard.)
The Emergency Chocolate Cake recipe comes together in a snap using very few tools, and it’s frosted and served WARM (none of that sitting around staring at the cake, willing it to get cool enough to frost). MMMMMMMmmmmm Makes me happy just thinking about it. This is not some sophisticated creation…it’s a warm, comforting, chocolatey, hunk of gooey goodness.
And suddenly, you are ready to tackle anything, even 8 tone deaf Teenage boys playing Rock Band.
Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe
Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe

- 2 cups Flour
- 2 cups Sugar
- 1 tsp Baking Soda
- 1/2 cup Butter (not margarine)
- 1/2 cup vegetable Shortening (yes
- shortening)
- 4 Tbl Unsweetened Cocoa
- 1 cup Cola
- 1/2 cup Buttermilk**
- 2 Eggs
- 1 to 2 tsp Vanilla Extract (my hand slips sometimes)
- around 2 cups? mini marshmallows
- 1/2 cup Butter
- 6 to 8 TBL Cola
- 4 Tbl Unsweetened Cocoa
- 4 or 5 cups of powdered Sugar
- 1 big tsp Vanilla Extract
- Preheat the Oven to 350
- Grease up a 9 by 13 inch baking pan. Go ahead and use that spray stuff, or use the inside of the butter wrapper.
- **don't keep buttermilk on hand? add a teaspoon off lemon juice to a cup of milk and let it sit for 5 minutes... it's gross looking, but it works. (OK! Yes, you only need 1/2 cup buttermilk for this recipe.... you can add 1/2 tsp lemon juice to 1/2 cup of milk)
- In a middle sized bowl...mix up the flour, Baking Soda and the sugar.
- In a microwave safe bowl (or on the stove top) melt together the butter, shortening, 4 Tbl of Unsweetened Cocoa and the Cola. Give it a quick stir to mix it up.
- Pour the melted stuff into the flour mixture...stir it up with a spatula (you can use the same spatula, don't even have to wash it off...)
- Add the Eggs, Buttermilk, and the Vanilla Extract... Stir it up
- Add a few cups of miniature marshmallows... Stir them in...you want them coated with batter.
- Pour the batter into the prepared pan..Check to make sure your surface is marshmallow covered (add more if needed, and don't forget to poke them a bit so they get batter coated.)
- Bake for 40 minutes
- While it's baking, you can tidy up the kitchen a bit, but I prefer to go lie down for 30 minutes with a magazine.
- With about 10 minutes to go, you want to start the icing.
- I found this easiest on the stove top... In a medium saucepan melt a stick of butter along with 6 to 8 Tablespoons of Cola (my hand sometimes slips) and the Cocoa. Stir it up good.
- Now add 1 pound (about 4 to 5 cups) of powdered Sugar...Stir over low heat until it's all dissolved (you don't want any white clumps... I suppose you could have dumped the sugar through a sieve, but, then you would have to was the sieve.....just stir, or get some passing kid to do it for you. Sadly, if you do this, you might be obligated to share the cake).
- Add the Vanilla... give it a final stir
- Take the cake out of the oven... pour the hot icing over the hot cake.
- Cut and scoop it out
- Eat.
Show the World You Love Chocolate!
ERLOOD Chocolate Doesn’t Ask Silly Questions Retro Vintage Bar Decor Metal Tin Sign 12 X8Coffee Makes it Possible to Get Out of Bed Chocolate Makes it Worth While Decorative Wood Sign for Wall Decor — PERFECT FUNNY QUOTES GIFT! (black with cream lettering)
Inspirational Funny Chocolate Can Solve Problems Sign Contemporary Kitchen Plaque
Step By Step Instructions for Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe with Color Photos!
Melt the Butter, Shortening, Cola and Cocoa all together
I use a microwave, but you can use a pot on the stove.
In true emergency situations, you might be able to leave a pot of this on the front seat of your car on a hot day. Solar cooking… it’s good for the environment.
Mix up the Dry Stuff
Flour, Sugar, Baking Soda
Don’t go nuts… just kind of stir it up
Pour the Melted Butter Mixture into the Flour Mixture
Now Stir it up….
See, I just used a spatula… no need to haul out the mixer
Add the Eggs
Add the Buttermilk
Add the Miniature Marshmallows
Pour into the Baking Pan
Make Sure You have Enough Marshmallows… Kind of Spread them Out… Then Bake
under the batter so they are covered in brownish goo.
Bake for 40 Minutes
Take Out of the Oven
While the Cake is Baking…. Make the Icing
Stir Until all the Powdered Sugar Bits are Dissolved Into the Icing
But don’t go nuts… you can’t let a few white flecks from sugar wreck your day. Anyone says anything? Give them “the Look”.
Pour the Hot Icing over the Hot Cake
Spread the Icing Over the Cake
Yes, it will be thicker in some parts than others… make note of these parts to set aside for yourself
Scoop a Hunk out For Yourself or Someone You Love
The Cake is Soft and Gooey
Tough to say what’s better, the thick icing at the edge, or the gooey middle….
This is very similar to a recipe I have for Coca-Cola cake, but my recipe has nuts in the frosting. Oh, it’s so good! It always gets rave reviews. I am going to have to try this and see how it compares.